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Hallo sobat...kali ini saya mau berbagi pengetahuan tentang android,Android menjadi salah satu ponsel pintar yang sedang booming saat ini. Android menjadi salah satu saingan berat iOS dalam memanjakan konsumennya.OS Android untuk saat ini memang menjadi salah satu yang cukup ramai dibicarakan. Apalagi dengan berkembangnya teknologi serta variasi dari OS android mulai dari versi 1.1 hingga yang terbaru Android Marshmallow Dan OS ini masih akan terus berkembang dengan kemajuan zaman.berikut ulasannya silahkan disimak:
Sejarah tentang versi Android
Android 1.0 Angel Cake 23 September 2008
Android 1.1 Battenberg 9 Februari 2009
Android 1.5 Cupcake 30 April 2009
Android 1.6 Donut 15 September 2009
Android 2.0 Eclair 26 Oktober 2009
Android 2.0.1 Eclair 3 Desember 2009
Android 2.1 Eclair 12 Januari 2010
Android 2.2 - 2.2.3 Froyo 20 Mei 2010
Android 2.3 - 2.3.2 Gingerbread 6 Desember 2010
Android 2.3.3 - 2.3.7 Gingerbread 9 Februari 2011
Android 3.0 Honeycomb 22 Februari 2011
Android 3.1 Honeycomb 10 Mei 2011
Android 3.2 Honeycomb 15 Juli 2011
Android 4.0 - 4.0.2 Ice Cream Sandwich 19 Oktober 2011
Android 4.0.3 - 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich 16 Desember 2011
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean 9 Juli 2012
Android 4.2 Jelly Bean 13 November 2012
Android 4.3 Jelly Bean 24 Juli 2013
Android 4.4 KitKat 31 Oktober 2013
Android 5.0 Lollipop Dan Android 6.0 Mashmellow
Android Nougat 7.0, 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.1.2 (Android 7)[3] adalah pengganti dari Android Marshmallow, dan merupakan versi Android kedua terbaru yang telah dirilis. Versi ini diumumkan pada tanggal 1 Juli 2016, dan diluncurkan pada 23 Agustus 2016.
Evolusi Operation System Android
A waiter has the duty and responsibility of the operations to another depending on the operational policies and service standards that are used by an industry.
Preparing food service area
Prepare all supplies of food and drink
Preparing to serve guests
And welcome the guests seated
Taking orders guest
Sell food and drinks
Presenting guests order food and drink
Completing a bill payment
Guests receive payment
Thanked the guests finished eating
Escort guests to the door
Clean up and reorganize the table that has been used
Keeping appearance (personal grooming)
Right on time (punctuality)
Faithful (loyalty)
Skilled work in teams (ability to work within a team)
Attitude and positive thinking (positive thinking)
Duties and Responsibilities Waiter/Waitress
Bartender adalah seseorang yang bertugas di bar, bartender memberikan pelayanan kepada tamu akan kebutuhan minuman mereka, seperti membuat minuman - minuman,baik itu minuman beralkohol maupun minuman tidak mengandung alkohol. Ada pepatah dalam bahasa inggris, "Bartending is not just the making of mixed drinks". Bartender juga bisa melakukan pekerjaan diluar tugas utama mereka, seperti menjadi rekan bicara tamu yang berkunjung ke bar tersebut, hal tersebut juga menjadi salah satu tolak ukur untuk kepuasan tamu yang berkunjung ke bar tersebut. Jika tamu tersebut merasa puas dan senang serta nyaman berada di suatu tempat maka kemungkinan besar tamu tersebut akan kembali berkunjung ke tempat tersebut dan itu akan memberikan keuntungan materil juga. Oleh karena itu seorang bartender harus supel dan pandai bergaul.
Sebagai seorang bartender yang ahli dalam bidang minuman harus memenuhi beberapa syarat sebagai berikut
1. graduated from high school
2. memenuhi syarat fisik seperti postur tinggi badan, berpenampilan menarik, dan berbadan sehat untuk bekerja maksimal 12 jam/hari
3. Memiliki dedikasi dan kejujuran bagi perusahaan dan mementingkan langganan selama bekerja.
4. Memiliki pengalaman dan pengetahuan tentang minuman.
5. Mengetahui segala macam jenis minuman.
6. Memiliki keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang luas tentang minuman.
7. Menguasai tehnik atau mixology mencampur minuman.
8. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris untuk komunikasi dua arah merupakan nilai tambah
Tugas & Tanggung Jawab :
1.Membuat minuman sesuai dengan order dari tamu sesuai dengan service prosedur yang ditetapkan.
2.Membuat minuman sesuai dengan standard recipe
3.Turut mengawasi dan meningkatkan standard dengan kualitas yang tinggi dengan memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik.
4.Melaksanakan opening & closing prosedur pekerjaan dengan akurat.
5.Memahami dan menguasai pengetahuan mengenai minuman.
6.Bertanggung-jawab atas kebersihan di area bar.
7.mengontrol minuman dan buah-buahan yang sudah rusak.
8.Memberikan pelayanan yang baik kepada tamu.
9.Mengidentifikasikan keperluan tamu dengan menjaga hubungan yang baik dengan tamu.
10.Melaksanakan daily inventory, closing dan opening baik minuman maupun peralatan.
11.Dapat bekerja sama dengan tim yang lain.
Job desk seorang bartender

1. Listening Listen to all the complaints by guests or customers and do not cut him before the finish. Remember, do not cut his words. Listen to it well in advance.
2. Apologize Convey a sincere apology for what he has complained of by guests or customers. The apology that we did indicates that we are sorry for what has happened, which caused a customer or a customer becomes upset or angry.
3. Suggestion (Advised solution) Give advice in the form of a solution to what is the cause of the complaint or complaint. Example: if the dicomplaint or complaints are Orange juice that tastes sour or acidic, give suggestions to replace it with a new and more sweet or give advice to would soon be given liquid sugar with a separate place to the coffee table so that guests could measure the sweet taste pleases himself.
4. Thank youAlways thank the above complaint submitted by guests. Complaint is very important as an input and evaluation of services or service and menu or product in your restaurant. Remember that guests who complain = prospective guests are loyal if treatment is given correct and appropriate.
How to handle complaints in a restaurant
1. Check attendance
2. Check the list of orders
3. Check inventory and raw material production
4. Check the cleanliness of the whole area restaurants
5. Check the quality standards of food, drinks, and service or service crew
6. Noting the purchase of goods into the book or data purchases
7. Record the incoming goods (transfer in) and the goods out (transfer out)
8. Recap or washing cashier (clean transaction) with cash register
9. Lead the team briefing
10. Handle coaching or training new employees
11. Provide employee assessment report to the supervisor
12. Ensure the implementation of general cleaning every month
13. Creating harmony and harmony between employees and part
14. Handle customer complaint or complaints restaurants
15. Coordinate with the supervisor on daily operations, cases, ideas, suggestions, program, evaluation and determination of high performing employees.
Task captain waiter in a restaurant
1. The menu was deliciousTaste a delicious menu will always be hunted. Sometimes even people willing to queue in order to get a seat in a restaurant just to enjoy its delicious menu offerings are second to none in the other restaurants. Not only that, the location of the restaurant is segregated in the corner of the alley, also never empty of visitors due to taste delicious cuisine that is always visited by people to eat.
2. Good service Service or good service, able to cover the shortfall in terms of cuisine. For example, there are restaurants that taste her cooking was mediocre, but because the service was good, the people are always longing to go back.
3. Standard look good employees why my employees standard input as one of the things that attract people to come to the restaurant ?. Well, in my opinion, good service alone is not enough without good appearance standards. For example, his waiter was friendly, courteous and swift serves, but her looks disheveled or sloppy, certainly will not unsightly is not it ?. Appearance good employees will make people happy. Who does not like to see people who look good, handsome and beautiful.
4. atmosphere Conditions restaurants were clean and tidy, coupled with the music softly quiet. There is a fish pond with lots of fish, there is free wifi facilities and so forth. All of them present a cozy atmosphere that makes people linger at a restaurant while unwind. And it will attract people to come back.
5. Program attractive discounts Well, ya is also always make a lot of people come into a restaurant. Program discounts up to now still a powerful marketing weapon in attracting people or customers to come.
1. Clean and tidy up the checkout area which includes: table cashier, cashier computers, printers, floors, vases of flowers (if any), and the trash can checkout area.
2. Ensure that the computer and printer cashier function properly. Report it immediately to your supervisor or captain waiter if it found any errors in the program cashier (POS) or printer.
3. Check and recalculate the capital cashier money and pennies or fractions which serves as money exchange
4. transactions, friendly, fast, and accurate.
5. Answering incoming telephone properly in accordance SOP receive telephone
6. Noting the consumer orders clearly and correctly in the order book: Name, address, and telephone number of consumers The date the order is received The date of the order must be done Downpayment or Down payment (if any)
7. Coordinate with the supervisor or captain waiter if there is a complaint or complaints from consumers or customers to quickly follow up quickly and precisely.
8. Collecting and storing goods belonging to guests or customers who left in the restaurant. Record book items left behind. Restaurant cashier required to have this book.
9. closing the cashier: Wash or clean cashier transactions are done at the end of each shift Calculation of sales and expenses are incurred along supervisor or captain waiter. If there are accounting in your restaurant, then do a recap cashier together accounting restaurants.
Task restaurant cashier
Here is a restaurant supervisor tasks:
1. Check the presence of Employees (Cross check with the Work Schedule)
2. Check List Orders
3. Check Inventory and Material
4. Check the Quality Standard Menu (Food & Beverage)
5. Check the Standard Form Employees
6. Make Employee Schedule
7. Proposed Additions and Deletions number of Employees to Management
8. Handle Event or order in bulk
9. Handling or handling of the Complaint or the Guest or Customer Complaints
10. Suggests Employee Promotion and Demotion
11. Handle and is solely responsible for the smooth Operational Restaurants
12. Doing suave (Customer Intimacy) to the Guest or Customer restaurant.
13. Give examples of good, Direction, and high motivation to Employees
14. Make a recap of the employee's salary
15. Together with the Captain and Chief Cook ensure the implementation of programs such as the monthly General Cleaning and SO Inventory.
16. Take note of the irregularities and violations in the operation.
17. Following up memos, ideas, and proposals from both Management and employees.
1. Check the presence of Employees (Cross check with the Work Schedule)
2. Check List Orders
3. Check Inventory and Material
4. Check the Quality Standard Menu (Food & Beverage)
5. Check the Standard Form Employees
6. Make Employee Schedule
7. Proposed Additions and Deletions number of Employees to Management
8. Handle Event or order in bulk
9. Handling or handling of the Complaint or the Guest or Customer Complaints
10. Suggests Employee Promotion and Demotion
11. Handle and is solely responsible for the smooth Operational Restaurants
12. Doing suave (Customer Intimacy) to the Guest or Customer restaurant.
13. Give examples of good, Direction, and high motivation to Employees
14. Make a recap of the employee's salary
15. Together with the Captain and Chief Cook ensure the implementation of programs such as the monthly General Cleaning and SO Inventory.
16. Take note of the irregularities and violations in the operation.
17. Following up memos, ideas, and proposals from both Management and employees.