Kamis, 21 April 2016

1. Listening Listen to all the complaints by guests or customers and do not cut him before the finish. Remember, do not cut his words. Listen to it well in advance.
2. Apologize Convey a sincere apology for what he has complained of by guests or customers. The apology that we did indicates that we are sorry for what has happened, which caused a customer or a customer becomes upset or angry.
3. Suggestion (Advised solution) Give advice in the form of a solution to what is the cause of the complaint or complaint. Example: if the dicomplaint or complaints are Orange juice that tastes sour or acidic, give suggestions to replace it with a new and more sweet or give advice to would soon be given liquid sugar with a separate place to the coffee table so that guests could measure the sweet taste pleases himself.
4. Thank youAlways thank the above complaint submitted by guests. Complaint is very important as an input and evaluation of services or service and menu or product in your restaurant. Remember that guests who complain = prospective guests are loyal if treatment is given correct and appropriate.